Monday, July 2, 2012


"If things don't work out we can always get a divorce." All too often these days we find that this is the unspoken attitude of persons contemplating marriage. The "old-fashioned" ideas of "for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part" don't carry much weight in our society any more.  I tell my friends that divorce is not an option for me but they always tell me “wait until you get there “and I pray never to get to the point of considering a divorce.
This present-day concept of marriage may sound reasonable, but it is definitely contrary to the Word of God. People must be extremely careful that they don't become brainwashed by current social thought. Our culture is constantly exerting enormous pressure on us. If we aren't careful, we can be gradually and unknowingly conformed to our culture's way of thinking. Anybody who is considering marriage in the near future (Yes that could be you!) needs to be reminded that according to the standards of Scripture, divorce is not an option when the honeymoon is over. Divorce is not a biblical option because the Lord says, "I hate divorce. Malachi 2:16 -
Some of you who are reading this are married and may even now be struggling to keep your marriage together. Remember that God is still a God of miracles. As He can heal a diseased body, so He can heal a troubled marriage. He can even give you, supernaturally, a new love which was never there before! Working at marriage is not easy with what I see; especially when divorce is convenient and no longer carries much of a stigma in our culture. God's Word teaches that divorce is not an option. For many of us this is a hard doctrine to swallow. It doesn't sound like something a "loving God" would decree! But sound doctrine is not always easy to handle. Paul challenged Timothy to endure sound doctrine, as well as hardship (2 Timothy 4:3-5). Timothy was told that the time would come when many Christians would not endure sound doctrine. They would prefer to listen to teachers who were preaching what they want to hear. How true today! Many Christians refuse to endure the doctrine of marriage as taught by our Lord Himself. Growing Christians are challenged to submit to the Word of God and recognize that divorce is not a biblical option.

And for those in my class, single and very available, let’s choose wisely. Marriage is necessary to meet the needs for man’s fellowship, comfort and joy. Let’s not marry for the wrong reasons. 


  1. Hmm.... it is well

  2. Hey Pholu...I agree with you on this but av got a few questions ....

    - would you advice I continue a marriage, if one day I get home from a long trip to see my wife with another man on our bed ....*bear in mind that we've got like 2 kids in boarding skool*
    - would you advice I continue a marriage where my wife has developed a really annoying nagging attitude and complains abt everything.
    - would you advice I continue a marriage where my husband continues to hit me whenever he comes home drunk or having a bad day* or when I have an husband who's so into himself and never listens to me.

    Av got a long list of things married people face these days but am gon stop here.Am not married yet but I fear these things and I would appreciate honest answers..

  3. Hmm, I am neither a counselor nor a preacher and i am not married but if u go to the first paragraph, I said some go into the institution hoping dat someday it will end. God didn't say d journey will be smooth all d way . There are cases that divorce will be the only option . No one is perfect.

  4. good question.well answered pholu
