Thursday, May 31, 2012

MARITAL VOWS...........

" FOT BETTER FOR WORSE! TILL DEATH DO US PART" does this vow still hold water in this generation.

When you got married, you made wedding vows that went something like this: "I (your name here) take you (your spouse's name here) to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live." On my wedding day, these wedding vows seemed like the most important words I'd ever spoken. But after having been married for two years, I wonder how well I actually uphold my wedding vows on a daily basis.

Over recent years we have observed what we consider an alarming trend among  us, the young couples as we make the huge step of making vows in the wedding ceremony before our family and friends. We sincerely promise to “lovingly lead” (the guy) and “willingly submit” (the girl)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Patrick Obahiagbon Unleashes Grammar Over Bad Leadership in Nigeria:

A celebration of democracy or a deprecable apotheosis of an hemorrhaging plutocracy, cascading into a mobocracy with all the ossifying proclivities of a kakistocracy? With our "democracy" enveloped in a paraplegic crinkum-crankum, we must all rise up to bring to focal hiceps and biceps, Nigeria's "Pluto-mobo-kakistocracy".... Certainly not democracy! Interpreter needed urgently


What are your thoughts about the RENAMING OF UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS TO MOSHOOD ABIOLA UNIVERSITY by the president - Right or Wrong ?

Monday, May 28, 2012

PHOLUSHAW'S BLOG.....Lets discuss the issues of life.: FUNKE AKINDELE'S WEDDING.

PHOLUSHAW'S BLOG.....Lets discuss the issues of life.: FUNKE AKINDELE'S WEDDING.: Please i need to be enlightened about Funke Akindele's wedding. She headed from mosque to church ? Is this allowed in Christanity bcos I rea...